The Greatest Potentials & Wealth untapped are found in the grave yards around the world. Many men and women have left this world with multi-billionaire pounds worth of ideas & inventions that have never be harnessed from their minds due to perpetual procrastination & giving up too early. God created you for a unique purpose & equipped you with potentials to leave a lasting legacy in this world. Therefore, you are not in this world by accident. When you discover your purpose; align it to what you do every day of your life and you will create unique values (solutions) that generates wealth. Look at the lives of Steve Jobs (Apple guru), Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, these men dared to believed in their dreams and invented valuable products that changed the world. All of them failed a number of times before achieving their purpose but failure was never an option. You don't have to be perfect to start but you get perfected in the process because practice makes per...