The Courage To Make Progress
Good is the enemy of best, just as ordinary is the enemy of extraordinary. Likewise in life, our present level of success and accomplishments are oftentimes the enemy of our next level of success. Therefore, when troubles and dIsappointments come your way, dont be discouraged because without them you will be stuck in your comfort zone. So quit crying, stop complaining of those that disappointed you because if they didn't, you would remain at the same level. All things have been divinely orchestrated to strategically position you to your next dimension of success and accomplishment of your purpose in life. Masterpiece Affirmations: My life is a continuous progress from one level of success to another. I am God's Extraordinary Masterpiece because I am masterfully crafted, creatively and innovatively endowed, engineered for success and deployed to achieve a unique purpose in life. This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" To order a copy drop me a line...