
Showing posts from 2016


Never underestimate the power of influence and partnership. On daily basis, your are either being positively or negatively influenced by your associates, by what see, hear, read and think. If you associate with heavyweights and people that positively expand your thinking and aspirations, you will eventually become a heavyweights. But if you continuously associate with lightweights you will never become a heavyweights. To attract people of value, quality and influence you must first desire to become one yourself. You dont have to be great to get started and you don't need to be discouraged by the colour of your  skin, level of education or the catalogue of failures associated with your background, because what matters is where you are headed to. The scripture puts it this way, "...but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race..." (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT). It is never too late for a fresh ...


People often ask me, as an Enterpreneur, how do you cope with challenging business climate and the crisis of life. Your faith would play the most important part in weathering the storms of life. Whether in business or personal life, you can face crisis. So how can you face crisis and win? The scripture says, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isaiah 60:1-2) The verse 2 of this scripture tells you that there will always be crisis but you shall pull through because of the glory of the Lord upon your life. Alot of successful entrepreneurs can't cope with the crisis of either personal life or business. The news media is often full of stories of successful people who have either committed suicide or ended up in rehabilitation centres because of emotional or physiological b...


In bed this morning I was asking myself; "what are some of the secrets to success in life?". I found the answer right there in my very room. The fan said, "be cool", the roof said, "aim high", the window said, "see the world", the clock said, "every minute is precious", the mirror said, "reflect before you act". The calendar said, "be up-to-date". The door said, "push hard for your goals".  The floor said "kneel down and pray". The toilet said "flush the bad habits that will deter you from becoming someone influential in life!" My Bible laughed and said, "read me for direction". The moral lesson from this piece is that God wants you know that there is a way out for every challenges you are going through. They are only temporary. Therefore, be motivated to rise above your challenges and maximise your potentials for a successful life.

Programming Your Mind For Success

Someone else bad opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality in life. You are responsible for the success or failure of your life. Your life is programmed and controlled by how think, what you say and what you do. Many people have become victims of other people's opinions, expectations and negativities. They pay too much attention to these distractions and they end up being negatively programmed. You can  override these negativities by reprogramming your mind with positive and creative words because your words have creative powers. The scripture puts it this way "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]" (Proverbs 18:21 Amp). On your way to success you will face distractions from those who your success remind them of their own failures. They may try to discourage or even oppose you but the scripture admonished "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of yo...

Success Without Limits

I often wonder why those we consider the best are not usually the winners. You see God has a good sense of humour,    He often chooses what is considered worthless or perhaps impossible by human standard to ridicule those who have no regards for His sovereignty. History is replete with stories of how God has raised men and women from the pit to the palace, against all odds. This can only be by the law of divine advantage (God's favour). Your success in life requires a combination of both physical and spiritual laws to enable you fulfill the purpose for your life. You were created for a unique purpose in life and only you can fill that void (niche). In fact you don't have to compete with anyone because you were born with the unique potentials to dominate in your niche. No matter how hard life has knocked you down, always remember you have the seed of greatness in you to rise from the pit to the palace. "I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doe...

Becoming A Champion

One of the greatest setbacks in building a successful business or career by leaving your comfort zone to pursue a new venture is fear. Whenever you want to take a bold step and fear creeps in; you can either deal with FEAR as Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. You don't necessarily have to be great and experienced to start but you have to start to become great and experienced. However, before you venture out, focus on learning, and taking immediate actions by leveraging Other People's Experience (OPE/Mentoring), Other People's Skills (OPS), Other People's Ideas (OPI), Other People's Partnership (OPP), etc.               You don't necessarily have to reinvent new wheels to become successful in life. You simply have to start and gradually upscale, until you become a global champion.                    ...

Trust Matters

Success is not an accident, likewise failure; developing the habit of excellence in small matters is a fundamental attribute of successful people. The scripture puts it this way, "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities" (Luke 16:10 NLT).  Without trust it will be impossible to build a lasting and profitable business and personal relationship. Excerpt my book "Laws of Success" by Clems

The Winning Mentality

Don't make plans or negotiate business contracts based on where you are today (your current status in life) rather let your plans  and mindset be based on where you are headed to, because the future belongs to those that plan and prepare for it today. Above all, the future belongs to those that believe that nothing shall be impossible because every obstacle is a springboard to another level of success. Quote from Clems Emeka ( Success and Motivational Coach. Author of Best Selling  Personal Development books).


PERCEPTION OF CHALLENGES IN LIFE MATTERS: Challenges could be turned to strength if you can only look at challenges from positive perspective. It matters what you focus on and what you say when crisis struck because Life and Death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). #. Disappointment or closed door is not Rejection but Divine Redirection. #. Failure is not the End because Fail means (First Attempt In Learning to live successfully) and  End means (Effort Never Dies). Most Successful people are Ex-Failures that got mad at failing. #. When they say NO to you it means Next Opportunity is better. Don't forget that every delicious food doesn't come in a haste. #. When you are about to take a big step or decision that will change your life for the best and FEAR creeps in; you can either deal with FEAR as Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise to success. #. People may say it has never been done before and in fact it is Impossible but Faith says I can ...


Vision does not see things as they are but as they ought to be. Faith talks about things that don't exist as though they exist. Those who deliberately employ this ability are called visionaries. They are the ones who shape the future. Hebrew 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Visionaries change the world through the power of their ideas, intellect, imagination, innovation, and creative visualisation. Always set your vision very high because the limit of your vision is the boundary of your innovation and creativity. When men say it can not be done, ask yourself why not? All things are possible when you believe. Once you remove the limit of Impossibility by changing your perception to I'm-possible, your mind will map out the strategy to make your vision become a reality. So don’t settle for the ordinary; ARISE! Be a VISIONARY. Say this with me, “I’M A WORLD CHANGER! TRAILBLAZER! BARRIER BREAKER! BRIDGE BU...


The regrets of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow are the enemies of today's happiness. It is your responsibilities to keep yourself happy and motivated despite any chall facing you, because happiness is a choice. If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, it will prevent you from seeing and taking advantage of the opportunities around you. The quality of your mindset at this moment is what shapes your future. Proverbs "23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…" Challenges often marks the birth of greatness and miracles, so keep your focus and refuse to chicken out in the face of challenges because every challenge has an expiring date. It matters how you react to challenges and negative circumstances; intelligent people ignore, strong people forgive and weak people seek revenge. The greatest happiness is discovering your purpose in life and aligning what you do every day to it. Knowing your purpose focuses your life by concentrating your efforts & ene...


1.   Treat people right for you don’t know tomorrow. 2.   Nobody is ever as they first appear. 3.   Reward those who help you succeed because your network is your net worth 4.   Each relationship nurtures strength or a weakness within you; so choose who you associate with carefully. 5.   Your family is your first and most important school of relationship. 6.   Learn from your mistakes and never underestimate anybody. 7.   Your friends contribute to the formation of your character. 8.   Friends are influence - Positive or negative; so have the sense to move with smart and sensible people. 9.   Your habits and character are all reflections of your thoughts and association; “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians15:33) 10.             Your life is a reflection of your thoughts and association; “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a compa...


The Greatest Potentials & Wealth untapped are found in the grave yards around the world. Many men and women have left this world with multi-billionaire pounds worth of ideas & inventions that have never be harnessed from their minds due to perpetual procrastination & giving up too early. God created you for a unique purpose & equipped you with potentials to leave a lasting legacy in this world. Therefore, you are not in this world by accident. When you discover your purpose; align it to what you do every day of your life and you will create unique values (solutions) that generates wealth. Look at the lives of Steve Jobs (Apple guru), Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, these men dared to believed in their dreams and  invented valuable products that changed the world. All of them failed a number of times before achieving their purpose but failure was never an option. You don't have to be perfect to start but you get perfected in the process because practice makes per...


WISDOM KEYS 1.        The road to success is not always straight. There is a curve called failure. A loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends. Red lights called enemies. Caution lights called family. You will have flat tyre called disappointments, but if you have spare tyre called determination, engine called perseverance, insurance called faith and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to the destination called success. 2.        YOUR GOD IS A BIG GOD. Don't tell God how Big your storm is; tell the Storm how Big your God is. 3.         Keep your focus on God and every other thing required for a good life will be added unto you (Mathew 6:33, Colossians 3:2, 1Peter 1:7). 4.   The mind is like a mechanical clock that is constantly running down, it has to be wind up daily with good thoughts through the word of God. Romans 12:2, says, "Do not be conformed to this world, ...