Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence For Relationship

Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Spiritual Intelligence (SI) are important in every relationship, because "If you cannot control your emotions, you are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack." Proverbs 25:28 GNT

There are key basic needs of every relationship and they includes; acceptance, identity, security, purpose, friendship, and Emotional Intelligence (EI).
Acceptance is the acknowledgement that you are loved, valued, appreciated and needed  in that relationship. Identity  is the acknowledgement that you are significant, respected, and special in that relationship.
Security is the acknowledgement that you are cared for, provided for and well protected in that relationship. Purpose  is the acknowledgement that you understand the reason for being in that relationship and that you are committed to a mutually benefitial relationship.
A Purposeful relationship supports each other's aspirations, hope, goals, vision and provides a shoulder to lean on when times are tough.
Frienship is the fuel that rekindles the fire and burns the continuous flames of romance in a relationship. It helps in descalating issues, especially when partners can find a friendly way for conflict resolution.
In a relationship you can not be a committed partner or lover in the case of couples, if you can't be friends first.
Emotional intelligence (EI),  is about understanding and acknowledging each other's verbal and nonverbal emotions, strengths and weaknesses. And then mastering how to intelligently leveraged these differences, including temperament, personality, interests, values, and drives, for the mutual benefit of the relationship.

Discovering the concrete techniques for raising your own emotional quotient (EQ) is vital in every relationship, and starts with a good personal relationship with God.

This personal relationship with God, creates a spiritual intelligence, which will in turn influence your emotional intelligence with a positive impact on your inter-personal relationship.

This is because every human being is a spirit being that is housed in a human body.
To effectively and successfully  improve one's emotional intelligence, you must first improve the spiritual intelligence through the continuous renewal of the human mind, using words from the Creator's manual.
"And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]." ROMANS 12:2 AMP.

The renewal of the human mInd is work in progress to enable you sharpen and perfect your spiritual and emotional intelligence, as well equip  you with the wisdom and mindset to build a successful relationship.

To be continued.....

This is an excerpt from my new book o "The Inspirational Laws of Succes."
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