Understanding Your Unique Identity & Purpose (Part 1)

The human life is very delicate and fluid because it can easily be conditioned or moulded to any pattern or shape according to the choices we make in life, either consciously or unconsciously.
In other words, your life will always flow to whatever your mind continuously focuses on, because your feet cannot take you to where your mind has never been, and your mindset determines your lifestyle.
To further illustration the lifestyle and mindset correlation, think about this; what you see and focus on determines what you can imagine, and what you hear continuously is oftentimes what you think about. Hence, your imaginations and thoughts determine what you say and what you say controls your actions and your actions determines the direction of your life.

The journey of a thousand mile, often start with a single step, likewise your present mindset, paradigm and self-concept (perception of who you are) are framed both consciously and unconsciously by the following factors through a daily interaction:

  1. The culture of the environment you were raised (you are a product of your environment) 
  2. Your Association (show me your friends and I’ll show you your future) 
  3.  Education (both formal and informal) 
  4. Your Belief System (including religious affiliations, doctrine, dogma and all forms of life philosophies)   

These transformative factors laid the foundation for the decisions we have made in life and the consequences of those decisions determine our success or failure in life.
Furthermore, the major impact of these factors in a person’s life is that they programme the mind in a certain pattern (paradigm) to think and behave according to other people’s concept of who you are supposed to be, rather than who you were born to become (unique identity).

However, when you develop a personal relationship with the Monarch of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, the Sovereign God through fellowship with the Holy Spirit, you will be brought into a divine alignment with your unique purpose and identity in life.
The Holy Spirit empowers you to maximise your potentials by sparking a renaissance (new birth, revival, resurgence) in your mindset that transforms your personality by breaking down faulty paradigm, personal identity crisis, mental and physical barriers.
This is why the scripture says; "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (For your life: - emphasis added)." Romans 12:2 NIV.

Until you discover your unique purpose and identity according to the Creator’s original design, you can never maximise your full potentials to live a purpose-driven life and achieve good success.

Watch out for part 2 of this blog.
This is an excerpt from my new book "The Inspirational Laws of Success"
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