Corona Effect & Social Impact on Human Behavior
This was the photo of my local Tesco store in London, on Thursday 19th of March 2020.
"Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you." Psalms 91:5-7 NLT
We are increasingly seeing that alot of people are panicking and emptying stores across UK and other countries because of the news of Corona virus.
Germany, France and some other countries have closed their borders to the outside world, to control the spread of this virus.
People have been ordered to stay at home and practice social distancing.
This brings me to main topic of this discussion; Corona Effect & Social Impact on Human Behaviour.
Historians have said that in every 100 years, the world is always faced with a different type of pandemic. The previous one was the Spanish flu in 1920.
It's important to point out that many countries have already witnessed alot of epidemics since 1920, including Ebola, Swine flu, etc.
However, these diseases were not classified as pandemic because they didn't affect the whole world.
What the whole world is witnessing today, is a virus that has killed alot of people and crippled the economies of nations.
The social Impact of this pandemic has affected the way humans relate and do business globally.
Prior to the outbreak of this virus, most people would never have imagined living in a world that could be locked down by a single event, in this case a Corona virus.
This shows how defenceless and fragile human lives and global economies could be in the face of a superior opposition or any attack which doesn't care whether you are black, white, Hispanic, Asian or even your political and religious affiliations.
Most people are gradually coming to terms with the fact that the human life is not just physical, it's also spiritual.
I dare to say that many people would be most adversely affected by the fear, economic and social impacts of this virus than the number of people that actually contracted the virus.
The human race has a common enemy and the scripture gave us insight on how to identify and cope with the perilous times, here is what Jesus said over 2000 years ago:
So Jesus said again, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, I am the Door for the sheep [leading to life]. All who came before Me [as false messiahs and self-appointed leaders] are thieves and robbers, but the [true] sheep did not hear them. I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security). The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]." John 10:7-10 AMP
Therefore, don't live in fear for we are going to weather this storm and come out victorious and stronger. Use the following words to encourage yourself and others:
"Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you." Isaiah 60:2 NLT
"Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you." Psalms 91:5-7 NLT
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