
Showing posts from 2017

Don't Stop Dreaming Big

The world is like a painter's canvas to your creative imagination and only you have the responsibility to choose the image you want to paint on that canvas. You can decide to either paint a masterpiece that will inspire many or just another ordinary and uninspiring piece. In other words, God has given you the free will to create the future you want to feature and so don't be afraid to dream  big and ignore the naysayers, who would like to tell you that you can't achieve it. The Ultimate Success Book encourages us to hold unto our dreams and visions until they are accomplished, "And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time." Habakkuk 2:2‭-‬3 MSG. An uncommon dream attracts God's at...

The Process of a Purposeful Life

Success is a process and every level attracts new challenges and every challenge serves a purpose, but never be afraid to move to another level because God has already prepared and predestinated you to overcome those challenges ahead. Every challenge and process you go through in life, prepare you for the destination ahead. In other words, what you have been through or what you are going through at the moment, no matter how unpalatable or palatable it might be is only a phase and part of the process that has been divinely  orchestrated to bring you to the final destination for the fulfillment of your purpose in life. The scripture says, "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will," Ephesians 1:11 (NIV). IN LIFE EVERYBODY HAS A DIFFERENT RACE TRACK AND SPEED TO RUN BEFORE ARRIVING AT THEIR FINAL DESTINATIONS. THE LAW OF PROCESS ENCOURAGES YOU TO FOCUS ON YOUR OWN RACE AND...

The Courage To Make Progress

Good is the enemy of best, just as ordinary is the enemy of extraordinary. Likewise in life, our present level of success and accomplishments are oftentimes the enemy of our next level of success. Therefore, when troubles and dIsappointments come your way, dont be discouraged because without them you will be stuck in your comfort zone. So quit crying, stop complaining of those that disappointed you because if they didn't, you would remain at the same level. All things have been divinely orchestrated to strategically position you to your next dimension of success and accomplishment of your purpose in life. Masterpiece Affirmations: My life is a continuous progress from one level of success to another. I am God's Extraordinary Masterpiece because I am masterfully crafted, creatively and innovatively endowed, engineered for success and deployed to achieve a unique purpose in life. This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" To order a copy drop me a line...


"But those who hope in the LORD  will renew their strength;  they will fly up on wings like eagles;  they will run and not be tired;  they will walk and not be weary."  Isaiah 40:31 (CEB) WHEN YOUR FAITH & FOUNDATION IS IN CHRIST JESUS, YOU SHALL CONTINUE TO RENEW YOUR STRENGTH AND IN THE MIDST OF THE STORMS OF LIFE YOU SHALL BE SOARING HIGH LIKE THE EAGLE, DESPITE THE OPPOSING CHALLENGES. HOWEVER, WHENEVER YOU SHIFT YOUR FOCUS FROM YOUR FAITH IN THE LORD TO THE STORM, YOU WILL BEGIN TO SINK, JUST LIKE PETER IN BIBLE STORY. "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:28-31...

How To Live A Happy Life

You have the choice in life to decide what you focus your mind on; when you focus mainly on what you don't have, what you can't control and all the bad experience from your past or even your present, you will always be unhappy and depressed. However, when you replace constant expectations with habitual appreciation, you can face the future with joy, hope and you will begin to attract resources and see opportunities that you have been oblivious to. Many people get in the habit of lamenting what they can't amend, instead of being grateful for everything, including their mistakes, because it is in the furnace of failure that success was forged. The Ultimate Success Book puts it this way, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 (ESV) "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV) This i...

From Loser To Champion

The Law Focus could be used to turn our greatest fear to our greatest asset for success, by refocusing our creative thoughts from negative imaginations to positive imaginations. To this requires a change in perspective because when you change the way you look at something, you will begin to see a different perspective from what you previously focused on. By always focusing on the valuable lessons you can learn from any bad experience, instead of blaming yourself and becoming too fearful to try again;  your greatest fear could be changed to your greatest asset for success. The Law of Focus helps you to keep your mind on the right track and control your mental dialogue and emotions to achieve your ultimate goals in every challenge, especially when others are loosing their minds and unable to envision a way out. Whenever you allow yourself to be trapped in a victim's mentality, feeling so bad, perhaps due to a bad experience, you will sabotage your mind's ability to focus on the v...

Success From Gratitude

The Law of Gratitude helps you to enjoy every stage of your journey on the way to successfully accomplishing your purpose in life. Gratitude enables you to replace expectations with appreciations, because happiness is not all about getting whatever you want all the time, rather it is more about loving what you have and being grateful for it. This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" To order a copy drop me a line: To receive free inspirations and strategies for success in both business and personal life visit Masterpiece Inspirations for Success Follow me on twitter: @ClemsEmeka


BEWARE OF THE FOUNDATION Our journey in life could be compared to a building site with different phases of development from conception through design process to construction and final completion and hand-over. At every phase of a building project, the builder shall face different level of challenges depending on the type of building. However, the foundation of every building is an indication of the amount of load it is designed to withstand. A gigantic mansion would have a stronger foundation than a bungalow Likewise at every stage of our journey in life we will face diverse challenges and when your foundation is not strong  enough, you will buckle under the pressure of the load. When you have a big dream and you are determined to make that dream successful, then you must be prepared to build a solid foundation that will withstand every challenges life will throw at you. How then can you build a solid foundation for a successful life? "Unless the Lord builds the house, They ...

The Farmer And The Seed

No good farmer would plant a seed and then dug it up every day to check if it has started sprouting. Rather a patient farmer will water and nourish the soil to enable the seed germinate and flourish, because the soil is as important as the seed. It takes a good soil and a patient farmer to transform a seed to a fruitful harvest. Likewise, the journey to a successful life starts with the seed of our desires and dreams of greatness planted in our minds. However, like the impatient farmer many people destroy the seed of their desires and dreams by prematurely aborting it through their doubts, fears, negative words and disempowering thoughts. On the contrary, successful people continuously water and nourish the seed of their desires and dreams by believing in it, visualising it, affirming and vocalising it as an accomplished fact. They are patient enough to hold unto the seed of their desires and dreams for as long as it takes to become a reality. "Therefore I say unto you, What thi...

Leadership Demystified

The ability and competence to become a successful leader; whether in an executive or non-executive capacity is an ongoing transition and not a fixed position meant only for the privileged elites in any society or organisation. The idea that only a few privileged individuals can master the process of leadership to permanently occupy high positions is a myth and such ideology is synonymous with colonialism. You can learn the process of leadership and become a successful leader, whether you sit in the executive suite or you are the company janitor. Simply put, everything in life is learnable and the only thing that can stop you from succeeding is when you allow someone else's negative opinion of you to become your reality. ".... If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23. Your were created to become a successful leader in your area of dominant gifting, so refuse to give up until you dominate your domain. This is an excerpt from my new ...

The Law of Focus

Focus is the major key in stripping off from your mind  negativities and channeling the power of your mind towards the actualization of your dreams. Your mind-focus determines what you are able to conquer or submit to. Whatever you focus on becomes your dominant thought and your dominant thought will programme your mind for either success or failure. The Information you receive repeatedly, can control your focus because whatever you always listen to, watch or pay attention to, will eventually begin to dominate and control your mind-focus. This is why successful businesses use the Law of Focus to deliver targeted marketing of their products and services to customers via various marketing platforms aimed at grabbing the customers focus. For instance, targeted marketing could include prospecting. Prospecting  is the first step in the sales process, which consists of identifying potential customers, aka prospects. The goal of prospecting is to develop a database of likely custom...

Masterpiece Affirmations

Your words are very important because they reveal your true identity and locates you with the future you want to feature. Masterpiece Affirmations: 1. I am God's Masterpiece because I am masterfully crafted, creatively and innovatively endowed, engineered for success and deployed to achieve a unique purpose in life. "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) "Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it." Psalm 139:14 (NLT). 2. My potentials are unlimited and whatever my mind can conceive and I can dare to believe it, then nothing can be impossible for me to accomplish. "For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment." Luke 1:37 (AMP). 3. My mind is anointed to think creatively and innovatively, to make the right decisions...

Creative Enterpreneur

Your mind is like a muscle. It only develops with use. Just as you can build your physical muscles by training, you have to work your mental muscles to build your mind as well. The good news is, that the more you harness the power of your mind to think creatively and innovatively, the more you learn and the more you earn. The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your decisions and the quality of your decisions determines the effectiveness of your actions and your actions determines the quality of your personal life and success. "It is not the lack of money but the lack of creativity that can prevent you from becoming successful because you are only limited by your belief and creative imagination" Inspirations and innovation always sit hand in hand, and in order for you to be innovative, you have to seek inspiration first. Most successful business leaders are serial innovators and they  understand that in order to keep moving forward, the need to be constan...

How To Overcome Suicidal Thoughts

According to the Mental Health Foundation and Practice, suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under the age of 45 in the UK. In women suicide rates are the highest that they have been in a decade. Someone committed suicide every two hours in the UK in 2015. This statistics is quite alarming. The problem is even worse because most people facing crisis in life find it difficult to reach out for help. Oftentimes  such people tragically take their own lives. Today you can save a life by inspiring and encouraging someone, instead of complaining about what you don't have or how you failed to hit it big. Majority of the people you see on the the streets and even on the social media sites, have long given up on life. You see, behind the facade of those smiles and bravado we all display, especially in the public, lies pains and mountains of issues too high to climb. The question is how can you cope? May be life has knocked you down with sickness, depression, debts, dea...


The greatest enemy of success is the enemy within; that toxic voice on the inside that reminds you of your mistakes and failures, to convince you that you can't be any better. This enemy within shows up whenever you decide to take actions that will turn your dreams to reality. It comes in the form of fear and negative thoughts to discourage you from stepping out of your comfort zone to fulfill your dreams. However, if you can overcome the enemy within, then the enemies on the outside cant do you no harm. “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23. The naysayers, the haters and negative folks can never stop you from fulfilling your purpose. The only person that can stop you is only you.

Failure To Success

Failures are simply temporary challenges which could become stepping stones to your success.  In other words failure is an integral part of the success equation.  That's why Thomas Edison attributed his discovery of electrical light bulb after trying 10,000 times without success to this great quote; "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  Albert Einstein said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Failure is not final, except you decide to quit. However, quitting is not an option because you were born with limitless potentials and you have the I-can-do mentality. The Ultimate Success Book says, "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]."  Philippians 4:13 AMP You will learn more from your failure than you will ever learn from your...

Limitless Potentials

No system can destroy or de-value you without your permission, because you were born with limitless potentials. It does not matter what anybody has labelled. What matters most is your own perception of yourself.  Your self-image will inevitably create your self-identity and this becomes your reality in life. Do you know that you are: Smarter than you believe? Stronger  than you think? More successful than you can imagine? Too valuable to be devalued by any body? Too intelligent to be scored and labelled by any system? Too important to be enslaved by people's opinion? Too miraculous to be called a mistake? Too capable to become a failure? Too relevant to be ignored? Too creative and innovative to be labelled useless? You are God's Masterpiece, beautifully deigned and crafted with limitless potentials and a unique purpose. The world is waiting to benefit from your unique potentials. However, if you don't discover and deploy your potentials, the system will u...


Choose to live your life by design and not by default. Those that live life by design understand their purpose and design their daily routine to align with their purpose in life. However, those that live life by default, have not fully grasp their purpose in life but have allowed circumstances to define who they are and what they can become. Everyone created by God was created to fulfill a unique purpose. You are what you are today because of your identity; that is how you have labelled and identified yourself through out your life. You can never excel beyond the your self identity. Assuming you came from a dysfunctional family and you have accepted that label and allowed your experience to define your life. Then such identity will no doubt brings sorrow, shame, pain, bitterness, and frustrations in your life. This is not God's desire for your life, so reject it right now! Even if it has been running in your family or business for many generations, It is your responsibility to chan...

How To Face Shifting Seasons

CRISIS IN BOTH BUSINESS AND PERSONAL LIFE OFTEN COMES IN UNEXPECTED SEASONS. HOWEVER, IF YOU CAN PERSEVERE AND STAY FOCUSED, YOU SHALL SURELY LAUGH AGAIN, BECAUSE TOUGH TIMES DON'T LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO. NO MATTER HOW DARK IT GETS, THE SUN WILL ALWAYS SHINE. "...weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5 "TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance." Ecclesiastes 3:1‭, ‬4‭ AMP. "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 AMP If you like this post, please share it. Encourage someone you are lifted. This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" visit Masterpiece Inspirations for Success Follow me on twitter: @ClemsEmeka

Passive Income

The term Passive Income could be misleading sometimes, because no entrepreneur can stay ahead of competitors passively. In other words, no passive income is permanent if you don't continuously innovate and systemise your income generating system. Therefore, instead aiming for a one time passive income, aim for a leveraged income that you can operate by leveraging Other People's Time (OPT), Other People's Experience (OPE), Other People's Money (OPM), etc.  Simply put, aim to build a business that is scalable and could be leveraged to operate and run without you. This becomes your lean and smart business model. This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" For more information on starting and growing your business drop me a line on visit Masterpiece Inspirations for Success Follow me on twitter: @ClemsEmeka If you like this post, please share it.

Vision To Excel

"VISION ATTRACTS RESOURCES, IN OTHER WORDS, THERE IS NO PRO-VISION WITHOUT A VISION." - Clems If you want to move from your present level in life to another level of top performance, you would need to move from what your eyesight can see to what your mind-sight can visualize. The scripture puts it this way; "So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 2 Corinthians  4:18 NLT This is an excerpt from my new book "The Laws of Success" If you would like to receive free inspirations and strategies for success visit Masterpiece Inspirations for Success Follow me on twitter: @ClemsEmeka

You Are Born To Win

"Failure is not the absence of success  but the neglect of persistently trying" Life was designed in such a way that anything of substantial value is protected by obstacles and challenges, likewise the pursuit of success in both business and personal life. You see, precious stones are often buried in hidden places of the earth and they have to be mined, processed and purified to become valuable masterpiece. "Today's mighty Oak is just yesterday's nut that held its  ground." Success can only be built and sustained by becoming persistent and staying hungry when others are ready to quit. Quitters never win and Winners never quit. You are born to win and so don't settle for anything less! May be life has knocked you down with sickness, depression, unemployment, death of loved ones, divorce, heartbroken, fear of failure and all sorts of pressures and challenges of life. It is time to rise again and say to yourself I refuse to give up because I am born...

Don't Stop Dreaming

"All of us has the seed of greatness and success in us but what we become is only a matter of personal choice." - Clems Life will always give you what you put in; if you do what is easy and common to the majority, you will get the same result and life will be hard. However, if you are ready to live life on purpose and do what the majority would consider hard and intimidating, in other to achieve your dreams, then your life will be a success. So what are you willing to do today to create the life you want and dream about? Never stop dreaming and believing in yourself because you are created to be significant and different from everyone else. If you live life casually, you end up a casualty, because the greatest tragedy in life is to live life without a purpose.

How To Reinvent Yourself

Life is too short to be experimenting; every new year comes with a new resolution.  However, it is not about the new year or the new year resolution but is all about the New You.  Albert Einstein said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If you want to transition from where you are today to where your dream can become a reality, then you have to make some radical changes to your mindset and relationship. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2 NLT The New You starts with developing a personal relationship (not religious affiliation) with Jesus Christ, because this is a game changer for a successful life. ...

How To Determine Your Income

Your current income is a direct representation of the level of value you have provided to other people. In other words, if you want to increase your wealth, create more value and serve more people. "The greatest among you will be your servant." Mathew 23:11 NIV. You are created to become influential in your area of gifting and talents, hence turning your passion to a profitable profession. You are also created for a significant purpose in this world and the seed to succeed is already in you. "A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." Proverbs 18:16 AMP. This is an excerpt from my book "The Laws of Success" If you would like to receive free inspirations and strategies for success visit Masterpiece Inspirations for Success Follow me on twitter: @ClemsEmeka